TENI WORKSHOP (Transgender Equality Network Ireland)


(Transgender Equality Network Ireland)

with Vanessa Lacey

This workshop will explore a broad view of transgender issues including a brief history, complexity of identities and experiences of trans peop  le and their families. There will be a mix of presentation delivery , reflexivity and plenty opportunity for interaction through small group work and larger discussion which will include some personal experiences of the presenter.  Vanessa’s background is Psychology based which facilitates a unique training approach , integrating personal experience, empirically based research and psychological insight. The afternoon will specifically focus on family based interventions which is an essential element of our work with TENI and an introduction to the theory of Ambiguous Loss as a framework for addressing gender transition in families.

Friday 21st April 2017

10.00a.m – 4.00.p.m

Registration: 9.30a.m

Wynn’s Hotel,

Lower Abbey Street,

Dublin 1


Click on link below for further details:

TENI Workshop 21st April 2017


Places limited – please book early


5 CPD points apply